Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Whatz that all about...

For today's post, I threw some thoughts over on my hubby's political blog...

More later.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Why do people just BLINDLY believe anything they read that's bad about their opposing candidate? I can't believe the crap that is emailed to me from friends who support the "other" party, slamming my candidate and making up lies. And when I counter them with truthful news pieces, all of a sudden they shut up and can't say anything to me. Or the tell me what talk shows that I should be listening to, to hear the "unbiased" opinion...yeah not so much.

I guess I'm going to have to speak up and tell them not to send me this stuff anymore.

Smile, it's Friday.

I'm a Dodge Viper...

I'm a Dodge Viper!

You're all about raw power. You're tough, you're loud, and you don't take crap from anyone. Leave finesse to the other cars, the ones eating your dust.

Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.

And wouldn't I look good driving that??

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The dawn of a new Era

I had a tragic loss this morning. I have (or rather had) a beloved "I Love Lucy" coffee mug. Now years ago during my first marriage, I had a HUGE collection of Lucy memorabilia. My ex made some less than nice comments about Lucy and my collection; after that I sold or gave much of it away-that and the fact that I lost my house during the divorce and had no where to keep it all... But one of the items I kept, this mug, that had been a birthday gift from a long time coworker and friend. She gave it to my in 2001 and it has been on my desk at every job since. This morning in a disaterous turn of events, I was getting my morning coffee and it fell off the counter and shattered. If I hadn't been heading for training, I would have burst out in tears. Which I shed a few later in the morning.

I'm just wondering if this is a sign of things to come. With my company seeming to be up in the air about many issues, and for some reason, I can't obtain a second part time job...bit by bit, my world around me is crumbling. I'm trying to remain steady, steadfast and strong. I'm not sure how long that will last.

Now, I know in the grand scheme of things, the loss of my mug is so very minor. Considering our middle son has recently been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome (which is why I'm trying to stay strong for my husband...), and our finances are less than perfect and with the way the economy is going...well you get that idea. There are things that are so much more important. But for me, it was a piece of my world that I destroyed and I will never get back.

I know, I know, build a bridge and get over it. And I will.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Another day another 25 cents

It seems that we've gotten to that point, financially. I'm getting tired of driving 50 miles round trip every day to a job that I wonder if it is still going to be there. And am I really happy there? Not sure. Right now I'm looking for a second job to work part time. We're hoping this helps our financial situation. Just very frustrating all around.

More later.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Singin' in the Rain....

Today is our company picnic and it has been raining for the past 24 hours. My guess is this thing is going to be a bust. People were already cancelling before...now, who knows.

Scott and I missed our trip to Springfield, but had fun yesterday anyway. We ran errands, had a nice lunch and dinner out (courtesy of a couple of gift cards) and saw the movie "Get Smart". Stinking HYSTERICAL. I can highly recommend it to anyone our age who remembers the original...

I have been asked by Scott and Kemp to be a guest writer on their blog this weekend, but I will have to take care of it later.

More to come.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Rounding out the week/month

Hard to believe that we are at the end of August. School has started and all 3 boys seem to be getting into the groove. The dog is nearing the end of treatment for her kennel cough (which I swear I got!!) Scott is having back pain, I am having shoulder pain...the fun goes on and on!!

We're looking forward to a quiet weekend, but I'm sure that something will divert our attention from relaxing. I'd like to get a few projects done around the house this weekend, but I don't want to get my hopes up on it. We got a rose bush as a wedding/house warming present, and NEED to get it into the ground-that is a must. Laundry is piling up, so will be taking care of that, too.

Also want to get the wedding pictures online so the family can see them. Gee, it's only been 3 months!

More to come

Thursday, August 21, 2008

You'd think things would settle down by now...

The party's over...and was it a blast!! Roughly 60 people passed through the doors at 634 Morningside. It poured rain (thank goodness we had our gazebo up and had borrowed a pop up one from Scott's brother!) but all in all, it was super! Scott and I now have to work on thank you notes!!

School has started and I'm not sure whether to be relieved or slightly sad, as all 3 are in high school. Darn is it expensive!! The 2 youngest need $100 calculators. Scott and I have to wait until next pay day to accomplish this. And I am watching all good deals, so you know I won't be paying full price!! LOL!

Seems like every day flies by and the evenings go faster. Getting out of bed at 6 just basically sucks. Seems like I'm not getting enough sleep. Sigh.

Work is unusual, as I think we are either "merging" or getting bought out. Things are tense and people are totally on edge. The process seems to be going rather quickly, too. Should be interesting to track the changes...if I'm here to track them.

From the "If It's Not One Thing, It's Another" files:

-The dog got Kennel Cough at the vets while she was there during our party...so we have to get her some meds for that.

-Someone threw a rock through Justin's rear window last week, and the next day his back door window shattered. We replaced the rear window at a cost of close to $300 but have resorted to heavy plastic and tape to get us by on the other window.

We will get through it. God doesn't give us anything we can't handle. But I'm sure He's got a sense of humor as to how we react to some stuff.

More later!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

2 months later...

Okay, apparently I have been busy. Parties, baseball, baseball, baseball, stuff around the house, dr's appointments, dentists, work, and more work. I'm looking forward to a break. That will come AFTER our big open house this weekend. Yes, 60+ people coming to share in the joy of our marriage. Aaaaahhhhh! What was I thinking?? It should be fun, but I'm gonna lose my mind getting ready.

We have a new dog, and believe it or not, her name is Princess. She tried to eat Princess Cici-natural dog instinct. So my free dog cost me $600 in bunny vet bills. The bunny is none the worse for wear, however she does sometimes growl. Interesting.

Lost a diamond out of my ring. I feel so bad. I hope Scott doesn't think it's because I'm careless or don't like the ring or whatever. We haven't had it fixed, so I guess I get what I deserve.

More to come.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Moved and Married

Well, I'm now Mrs. D!! I'm very lucky and blessed that Scott wants me for the rest of his life. Okay and now, he's stuck! LOL!!

Now that the wedding weekend is over, we can settle into some sort of a routine. I hope. With my 2 boys in baseball, and Scott's son is still in school til June 12, routine is a fluid and variable word.

Work becomes increasingly uncomfortable for me, and it's a couple of people creating my stressful environment. I've decided to let their little antics just roll off my back. They are looking for a response, and I'm not gonna give them one.

I'll post more later.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

My mind is still missing, any one see it?

We're in and the house is just plain chaos! A week and a half to the wedding, and I'm sure I'm forgetting something somewhere. Have to get the rest of our stuff out of our respective places. Not that there is any room in our house for more stuff. Boy, are we gonna have one rockin' grodge sale.

Our move was slightly rocky, with a fridge that had its moments, but is now working, the furnace that acted up and went out on Saturday and the deluge of water we got in the basement on Sunday. Well, if it all happened at once and we're still standing-more power to us!

Princess CiCi is not a happy girl right now and the cable guy scared the crap out of her on Tuesday. She'll live! Not so sure about my fish, however.....

As my brain is spinning, I will post more thoughts. That or throw up.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Have I lost my mind??


My almost hubby and I are both moving our houses tomorrow. I'm excited, but man, I have a lot junk left to pack. Sigh. I can hardly wait til this is over.


Monday, May 5, 2008

With great sadness

Hollie Wulf, the woman mentioned earlier in my blog passed away Sunday at the age of 41. She leaves behind an 8 year old and husband.

I am grateful to God for my health, my family and friends.

"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Be blessed and thank God for all you have.

Friday, May 2, 2008

I'm Blessed

I made it thru my surgery with flying colors and am at home recovering. I am blessed and quite lucky to have Scott by my side. Without him, I would have been a mess. Good thing we're getting married!! I am totally honored that he wants to spend the rest of his life with ME!

Please pray for Hollie, as she is hanging on to dear life.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Hollies Journey

I have posted a link to Hollie's blog of amazing strength, wit and humor with all that she's going thru. Please pray for her!!

Things are closer than they appear

As several big things approach: surgery, moving, wedding; I am overwhelmed and excited all at once. I want to blink and be standing at the altar...this is the time I wish I could be like Bewitched!! I'm not scared about the surgery, just a little frantic about the recovery time. With moving and all, I need to be on my game.

I am reading the post of another blogger-a woman I know from local Yahoo bargain boards-who is suffering with pancreatic cancer that has spread to her instetines and stomach. My heart and prayers to out to Hollie and her family. Makes my problems seem tiny minor.

So if you read this, thank God that you are healthy and have family and friends who love you, because without those things, nothing else makes sense.