Thursday, October 2, 2008

The dawn of a new Era

I had a tragic loss this morning. I have (or rather had) a beloved "I Love Lucy" coffee mug. Now years ago during my first marriage, I had a HUGE collection of Lucy memorabilia. My ex made some less than nice comments about Lucy and my collection; after that I sold or gave much of it away-that and the fact that I lost my house during the divorce and had no where to keep it all... But one of the items I kept, this mug, that had been a birthday gift from a long time coworker and friend. She gave it to my in 2001 and it has been on my desk at every job since. This morning in a disaterous turn of events, I was getting my morning coffee and it fell off the counter and shattered. If I hadn't been heading for training, I would have burst out in tears. Which I shed a few later in the morning.

I'm just wondering if this is a sign of things to come. With my company seeming to be up in the air about many issues, and for some reason, I can't obtain a second part time job...bit by bit, my world around me is crumbling. I'm trying to remain steady, steadfast and strong. I'm not sure how long that will last.

Now, I know in the grand scheme of things, the loss of my mug is so very minor. Considering our middle son has recently been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome (which is why I'm trying to stay strong for my husband...), and our finances are less than perfect and with the way the economy is going...well you get that idea. There are things that are so much more important. But for me, it was a piece of my world that I destroyed and I will never get back.

I know, I know, build a bridge and get over it. And I will.

1 comment:

Scott said...

Lately I feel like I am more of a burden than a help. And for that I am sorry. Here we each are with our own worries and fears and instead we are focusing on being strong for each other.

My love for you has no boundries, If only I knew what I could do to make things better, easier, or at least help lift you up. That is what a good husband and partner is supposed to do.

My desire is to add to your life, not to take away from it...